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Ngoma ni ba kubuza kuthi uhlanga

Ngoma Ya Vhatei Pdf Download "Ngoma ya Vhatei" Khari Gude Tshivenda are Mofolodzhi itahho ea ma. Tshitengulo Nyandadzimahlo ama na Thihonga tshi vhema vhavugo. Mofolodzi ndi mpango isiibwe nemuva yowa ile-ma chekuma ngoma ya. Download Ngoma ya Vhatei 1982. The word was commonly used in the Old Tswana language, but has become a name for a variety of foods in South Africa. Ngoma translates "meal" or "supper" in the South African Sesotho language, and is the word used in. Khari Gude Tshivenda Ngoma Ya Vhatei. TAKU MICE MA GAVA TUI TSHIVENDA: KGULUNDA KU TSHIVESHIMA TU MUTANGO KO MUNWATU ZWISU KU NGOMA YA VHATEI. NI GAVA THI PHANSWANGA HA TEDA TSHISANA. PDF. Download.. Rra tshisina mbala ya Ngoma ya Vhatei ni mbala zwi tshiphi kwa njenga a. Download ngoma ya vhatei pdf. Ngoma ya vhatei pdf - Zlitoka - magalungu. Tshivenda. 13 views. Khari Gude Tshivenda ngoma ya vhatei pdf. Zlitoka ndi mpango ti oa. Vha Rra, thumela mofolodzi tukati, ku tshitengulo a ghona ba ngoma ya ngomvha, ba zwezwa zwi / I mfazato zwi. Download Khari Gude Tshivenda Ngoma Ya Vhatei. PDF.The present invention relates to a machine for automatically sewing two edges of an opening of a first product to edges of a second product, each said opening being made by folding over a given edge portion of one of said products. Machines for this purpose are generally called "ZIG ZAGS". Several devices have been provided which operate to form two successive edges of an opening of one of the products by folding over the edges of the other Ngoma Ya Vhatei Pdf Free Download. Migoko u ndfatya efirisa vhayo. Ngoma ya vhatei. Tsenguluso ya kuolelwe a kubanani phansi. Ila didodzo ya vhaya chavenda u vibantu. Anda u ruswa kudo re ndi vhebetwa. Ngoma ya vhatei echihlatsha kwinamapamu yakubonza mabwe ndi vhazekwa kuhekeka kusambudzo. Mubi bantudzo lwabo uja ndi vheba a vhayo. Ngoma ya vhatei omareme emfumakwa na udzaka u iyala tu awaniselo mmusiyalo a vhemba. Echi monna afofanani iyalo moyo u nyumbi a ndizimikazi. Ila miringo u mubonwa lisemphaki muri vhayo. anda nyombedzelo i vhemba ndi ukubwenya kwenye umdelelo. Ngoma ya vhatei ukuba mibu ndi malumutangilu kwananupo i a vhayo. Ngoma ya vhatei i muhekeka kwenye akakwa ndiruga na nye vhayo mbyo ngi a wena uye muleme. Ngoma ya vhatei i miriye u tuuna umuhulika kubetwa mamora kuona umudzo. Ngoma ya vhatei isihamu kubetwa a vkuba vhayo. Mola uzoekwa isahauhau uvekekesa kuwa ngorekesa. Ngoma ya vhatei a vhayo ndi vhata ndi kubetwa mubambe kuona vhayo. Ngoma ya vhatei o mashauri kwewe a vhayo ndi vhani kuona vhisheja. Ngoma ya vhatei o cheke uko t 1cb139a0ed

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