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Ebook P Etahuan Am Malaysia Full .mobi Download Rar


Please try to format your article with a title, introduction, and conclusion. Please also make sure to proofread the article before posting. Thank you! :) The benefits of learning vocabulary words through Imagery You will never be bored again when studying for an exam! You can either read or watch your way to comprehension. Use these tips for improved retention and comprehension of text-based material!# Introduction: Making things more interesting can be fun and it could lead to better understanding the assigned texts during the studying process. What if we could use our imagination while reading or watching videos? If you want to apply this method what you need is some knowledge about how our brain works in understanding texts. We could make the texts more interesting by putting them in a different setting to make them more enjoyable. We can use our imagination to see how things will look like in a different setting. # Benefits: Pre-reading:  Use this technique before reading or watching a text to strengthen your comprehension skills and recall the chapter for review purposes during the exam period. For example, you can use Photoshop, Spatial Relations, and Perspective tools to create an interesting story line so you could read or watch it afterwards without forgetting what has been taught. Post-reading:  You can create a scene in your mind when you are finished reading or watching the text. If you choose to use the metaphor technique, you need to make sure that it does not consist of too many details. # Methodology: The easiest way to create an effective imagery is with the help of a combination of Spatial Relations, Perspective, and Photoshop tools.  You can use these tools with any kind of text that you want.  For example, if it consists of words, you could use Spatial Relations to view things in relation to each other at the same time when using Photoshop tool.  You could create a picture in your mind or read a scenario to create an imagery.  This is known as the metaphor technique – the most effective way to apply Imagery to improve your knowledge. (Image taken from) How you can apply it: In the next few paragraphs, we have listed these 3 specific tools so you could select which ones you want to use depending on what text you are going to do for this homework project. #1 Visual Metaphor: The imagination is one of the most important parts of the brain.  This is why we use it often when we are trying to remember something or when we need to find solutions to a problem.    Using your imagination involves using your senses and can be used by anyone at anytime.    Because the visual sense is one of the most important senses in our brain, you can picture a scene or a setting in your mind that give meaning or understanding to a story. cfa1e77820

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